Film has changed my life, business and art for the better and it makes my heart glad when others are wanting to learn more about film.
My approach to the film mentorship is to shape it to what you are needing and where you presently are on your film journey. If you have never touched a film camera before, we can talk about all the basics from film camera options, film stocks, how to shoot film and what to know about film labs. If you have been shooting film for awhile but are trying to find clarity in how to incorporate it into your workflow or aren’t satisfied with the film scans you are receiving back, I am an open book and can invite you into my workflow and review your film scans together.
The Film Virtual Mentorship is an hour Facetime to invite you into what I’ve learned, how I approach film and to dive into all your film questions. I will send you a questionnaire beforehand so we can shape the time to what you are exactly needing, hoping and desiring.
Book a Mentorship
fill out the form below & let’s chat!