A Short Story, Oregon Coast

This is the first short story of many to come. I’ve been processing and praying lately about what inspires me and I continually return back to what led me to fall in love with photo — people and the power imagery has to make people feel known + loved, to inspire, to bring others into a story that spurs on wonder and nostalgia.

I hope these short stories of our wanderings and days would bring a child-like joy to your heart and spark a fire in your soul. I hope they make you fall in love with people and life and give glimpses of eternity. I hope that these images do the same things in you that others art did for 13 year old liz (and 25 year old liz now).

Here’s Oregon Coast, a short story through film on our days on the Oregon Coast, the place where we truly feel most alive. A mix of 35mm, medium format + digital, documented by myself & John —

— 35mm

— digital


— 35mm


— 35mm


— 35mm


— 35mm


— 35mm


both on digital

— medium format

— medium format



— 35mm